Car Accidents

Car Accident Attorneys

Free Consultations

Established in 1988

Same-Day Appointments


Were You Injured in an Auto Accident?

Since 1988, Gold, Levy & Poirot has represented thousands of clients who were injured as the result of the careless, reckless driving of others. When it comes to auto accident cases, the key issue is determining which driver is at fault. However, in some situations, the law may allow us to find that an individual who was not even in the car at the time was a responsible party.

At Gold, Levy & Poirot, we have over three decades of experience when it comes to auto accident liability cases. Our attorneys can skillfully apply that experience to help you get the most compensation for your injuries and damages.

Call (860) 549-5152 to schedule a FREE consultation. Over the past 30+ years, we have won hundreds of thousands of dollars for our clients in successful automotive accident claims.

Examples of At-Fault Parties Connected With a Car Accident

In some situations, you may be able to sue additional parties on your behalf who may be in part to blame for your auto accident, even if they weren't behind the wheel or inside the vehicle. Some examples include:

  • When an Employee Was Driving the Defendant’s Car The law will hold an employer responsible for the wrongful acts of their employees, including negligent driving, when the employee is performing their job duties.
  • When Someone Other Than the Owner of the Vehicle Was Driving In Connecticut, car owners are legally responsible for negligent driving by anyone using their car with their permission.
  • When a Vehicle is Operated by the Owner’s Child In Connecticut, parents may be held liable for their child’s reckless or negligent use of the family vehicle.
  • When a Person Allows an Unfit Driver to Operate their Car A claim of this nature is called “negligent entrustment” - in this type of case we would claim that the owner lent their car to a dangerous driver, and is responsible for the acts of the dangerous driver – this can occur when the owner lends his car to someone they know is intoxicated, underage or uninsured, inexperienced, ill, or who has previously driven in a reckless fashion.

Additionally, you may also have a claim against your own auto insurance company if the accident was caused by an uninsured or a hit-and-run driver. This is known as an “uninsured motorist claim.” If another driver causes a crash, resulting in injuries, but has no insurance or not enough insurance to cover your injuries and damages, you still may be able to pursue a claim. Contact Gold, Levy & Poirot and we'll help you determine if you have a case. At-home and hospital visits are available.

Fighting for Your Rights After a Car Accident

Our dedicated team at Gold, Levy & Poirot will take the time to learn about the facts of the accident, your injuries, whether you will be out of work and whether you are faced with medical bills.

We are devoted to fighting for your rights if you were injured by another driver. Our attorneys have successfully obtained many large settlements on behalf of clients injured in car accidents and we have successfully tried cases to favorable verdicts. Remember - with Gold, Levy & Poirot, there is NO fee unless you win your case!

Remember, Connecticut puts a time limit on your right to file a lawsuit. If you have been injured, do not delay in contacting a lawyer who can protect your rights. Call (860) 549-5152 right away!

We Make Emergency Hospital Visits

Call to Schedule Your Free Consultation

At Gold, Levy & Poirot, there is NO fee unless you win your case!

(860) 549-5152

(860) 549-5152

"Haven't been happier. Absolutely the best. So easy and down to earth.."

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