Truck and Bus Accidents

Truck and Bus Accidents

Free Consultations

Established in 1988

Same-Day Appointments


Compensation for Injuries Sustained in a Trucking Accident

Truck and bus accident injuries can be severely debilitating, both physically and emotionally. These injuries can also be financially ruinous, as costly medical bills add up, and many victims of truck and bus accidents are unable to work.

If you or a loved one has been in a truck or bus collision, you may have a personal injury claim and you may be entitled to compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, property damage and pain and suffering.

At Gold, Levy & Poirot, we are experienced trial attorneys who know the laws regarding truck and bus accidents and can skillfully apply that experience to help you get the most compensation for your injuries and damages. Our dedicated team of skilled, certified attorneys will take the time to learn about the facts of the accident, your injuries, whether you will be out of work and whether you are faced with medical bills.

If you have been injured in a truck or bus accident, call our office at (860) 549-5152, to set up a FREE, no-obligation consultation. Remember, Connecticut puts a time limit on your right to file a lawsuit, so if you have been injured in a truck or bus accident, contact us ASAP! Emergency hospital visits are available and we now offer virtual appointments through Zoom and FaceTime.

Hartford, CT's Top Personal Injury Attorneys

Our practice is a member of the:

  • American Association of Justice
  • Connecticut Bar Association
  • Connecticut District Courts
  • Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association (CTLA)
  • Hartford County Bar Association

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Call to Schedule Your Free Consultation

At Gold, Levy & Poirot, there is NO fee unless you win your case!

(860) 549-5152

(860) 549-5152

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Gold, Levy & Poirot

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